The circuit of devices allows speedy results and accelerates bespoke programming for guests

In another step towards hyper-personalisation of the individual guest wellness journey, SHA Wellness’ flagship has created an innovative technological solution to guest diagnostics that will ensure that their transformative experience can begin well-informed and with little delay, each time they visit.
In half an hour, the cutting-edge advanced preventative diagnostic circuit in the new Health Screening Lab performs a series of non-invasive tests aimed at obtaining as much information as possible about a guest’s state of health, allowing SHA’s multidisciplinary team of experts to create a highly bespoke programme that can begin straight away. Formerly, the separate tests and data analysis was done over the first days of a guest’s visit, thus the new approach allows for maximum time benefiting from SHA Wellness Clinic’s extensive and diverse expertise in a highly targeted and individualised programme.

The new circuit is a collection of cutting-edge technological tools coordinated in a specific diagnostic pathway that has enabled a qualitative and quantitative leap in the diagnostic data collected. The various stages of the Health Screening Lab are as follows:
Stage 1:
Digital infrared light photoplethysmography – a finger pulse oximeter – measures volumetric variations of blood circulation, data from which indicates to clinicians the variability of heart rate, arterial function, the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, physical and mental stress levels, ageing of blood vessels and arterial elasticity.
Stage 2:
Measuring glycated proteins in tissue – AGEs – a natural process that occurs as we age but that can be accelerated by lifestyle factors. AGEs are a biomarker implicated in aging and the development of diabetes and its complications, as well as other degenerative diseases such as kidney disease and Alzheimer’s.
Stage 3:
Vital Signs: collecting the most common variables such as blood pressure, respiratory rate, body temperature and blood oxygen saturation to measure nervous system function.
Stage 4:
A complete body composition analysis via bioimpedance (which measures the tissue resistance to a very low electric current), which gives a precise reading of core, arms and legs to show intra- and extracellular water, visceral fat, muscle mass distribution, nutritional evaluation and ideal weight recommendation amongst other parameters – which other machines do not usually provide.
Stage 5:
Following this, a 5th generation 3D body scanner obtains a 360˚ image which generates an avatar of the guest in 35 seconds, allowing measurement of body perimeters including waist-to-hip ratio, one marker of cardiovascular risk as an indicator of visceral fat storage. This test also provides data on body position and the distribution of weight load on the feet, enabling the SHA team to recommend postural re-education therapies, physiotherapy treatments, or the most appropriate physical training to avoid musculoskeletal problems that tend to appear through overcompensation of particular muscles through deficient posture.
Stage 6:
The final step is a neurocognitive test which allows evaluation of higher mental functions, allowing the team to see where training in particular techniques could optimise relaxation, concentration or overcome phobias.
Using the comprehensive data gathered from this initial health screening, SHA Wellness Clinic’s personal trainers, physiotherapists, specialist doctors, nutritionists and holistic therapists will create and adapt the guest programme and allow comparison for repeat visits.
The advanced preventative diagnosis circuit is a continuation of SHA Wellness’ ongoing mission to ensure guests benefit from hyper-personalisation that will afford them the most transformative experience, both when staying at SHA and beyond.